Three Tips For Discovering Who You Are


This post was submitted by legacy co-host Christie Gardiner.  While we miss her on The Living Room it's fun to celebrate her latest projects.

I firmly believe in the importance of showing up in life in total authenticity... just as we are.  As we do, we naturally grow and change and then we keep showing up to the world as a better version of ourselves.  But too often people try to show up as someone else or a person they aren’t because they find other people’s gifts talents and abilities to be somehow more acceptable to the world.  This is a lie and prevents us from doing our work in the world.  Sometimes women lose who they are along the way, so here are 3 tips to discovering who you are. 
1. What did you love when you were 10.  Remember it.  Find your way back to it,
2. Say goodbye to guilt and judgment of participating in what you love.
3. Invite the people you love to get to know the real you.

For more details go to:

Christie's book Holy As You Are is now available!

About Christie:

Christie Gardiner is a bestselling author, speaker, trainer and podcaster.  She is the author of three books including the best-selling book, You Are the Mother Your Children Need.  Christie enjoys speaking and inspiring audiences worldwide with her empowering message about the motivating power of showing up to take action in their lives exactly as they are.  Known as an expert in the field of personal development, Christie’s training has helped people all over the world to find their voices and make a difference in their own unique ways.  The charitable arm of her endeavors, “Getting Proximate,” teaches and encourages people to get close to the most vulnerable members of their communities. In her spare time, Christie can be found in nature, on her yoga mat, performing on the stage or carpooling her children to their activities. Christie lives in Pleasant Grove, Utah with her husband and three children. Christie's latest book Holy As You Are is available on Amazon or in stores at Seagull Book, Deseret Book, Costco and more.


Michelle McCullough