87: Ways Women Connect

What are some of the ways we open ourselves to others, both in groups and in private conversations, that help form meaningful connections? Today on The Living Room we're talking about ways women connect and how you can build stronger, deeper relationships.

Michelle McCullough
86: MORE

The world will tell you that if you want to be more you have do more or have more, but how does God want us to find more in our lives? How can we look to our maker to fill in the missing pieces of our mind and heart? Listen as our hosts share how they look up to find true answers and peace.

Michelle McCullough
85: Dream BIG

As little girls our dreams and wishes ran wild. Yet as adults, often we put those dreams on hold or forget them all together. Studies show setting intrinsic goals adds meaning to our lives and brings us hope and happiness. In this episode of The Living Room, your hosts will discuss the value of dreaming big.

Michelle McCullough
83: Celebrating Mothers

In celebration of Mother's Day, this show is talking about how we celebrate our mothers and how we like to be celebrated. We're also chatting about how we as women can mother not just our own kids, but the people that come in and out of our life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.

Michelle McCullough
82: Overcoming Emotional Struggles

Emotional struggles. We all have them! So, how do you handle your emotions? Do you stuff them? Eat them? How have you improved handing emotional ups and downs? Our goal today is to share with you REAL RESOLUTIONS that you can use to feel confident in how you handle your emotions.

Michelle McCullough
81: It's About Time

As women we wear many hats. Time seems to be a fleeting resource that we all want a little more of. In this episode we will be talking about how we use it, how we magnify it and we can make peace with it. Host: Heather Johnson

Michelle McCullough
78: Things I Wouldn't Apologize For

Today is T_I_W_A_F day--Things I Won't Apologize For. In today's living room show we chat about why we won't apologize for liking, saying, and doing certain things. TIWAF is an interesting conversation starter. Ask your friend, family, or co-worker what they won't apologize for and why?

Michelle McCullough
77: Asking For What You Want

Do you ever have important conversations and then think, "That is NOT the way I thought that was going to go?" Do you have trouble asking for what you want? In this show we're talking about communication, but not just regular talking, asking for what you want in confidence and respect.

Michelle McCullough
76: Stillness

Find stillness in your everyday life. We begin the conversation on where to capture the essence of stillness and rest. Simple practices. Calm the outer voices and inner critic. We chat about this in our living room. Join us!

Michelle McCullough
71: Resolving Family Drama

Tips and tools to resolve family drama. Everyone has it, so let's get it out there in the open and find ways to ease the upsets and restore peace to our homes and families.

Michelle McCullough
69: Marriage Advice You Wish You Had

When breaking commitments seem common place in our world today, what can you do to keep your marriage strong? On today's show, our hosts share some of their tips and insights for staying committed to your marriage, even when things seem strained. As we get real, we want to share with you advice we wish we had sooner.

Michelle McCullough
68: Unpinterest Birthdays

Meaning trumps fuss! Right? We often don't feel that way. But most celebrations we remember are because they were meaningful celebrations. Not because they Pinterest Perfect. So, let's get creative and simplify and add more meaning to our celebrations. In today's show, we share ideas on how to make memories without the Pinterest hulabaloo!

Michelle McCullough