125: Lucky Parents

Have you ever heard someone say, "Oh you're just lucky parents"? Do you think some parents get lucky kids and some parents don't? In this episode Heather leads us in a discussion on the dangers of comparison in kids, and parents

122: Tough Conversation with Kids

How do you handle the tough conversations that you need to have with your kids and teens? Do you run to them or from them? And we're not just talking about the birds and the bees. How do you talk about tragedies in current events? How do you deal with challenges at home? In this episode, Heather leads us through a discussion about how to make these conversations easier and how to open up communication lines with our kids.

121: When Heaven is Quiet

Do you ever have moments in your life when you feel like Heaven is Quiet? Even when you feel like you're trying really hard to get answers like praying, studying scripture, attending worship services, serving others. Today Michelle leads us through a discussion about how to remain faithful and find answers when you feel like heaven is silent.

119: Discovering Talents & Passions

With the roles you play do you take time for your talents and passions? In this show we share some of our passions and how we make time to do things we love. Jana is leading us through a conversation that will give you ideas as well as inspiration on spending time in your passions!

Michelle McCullough
118: Self-Disclosure & Intimacy - Questions That Make Us Closer

This show isn't about romance, though the questions we're talking about on today's show may do just that. But they can do MORE. Asking the right questions are guaranteed to get you closer to friends, family, and even strangers - and you're going to learn a little about our hosts, too! Listen in as Heather leads us through some thought provoking questions. What questions would you add to this list? Share your thoughts with us.

Michelle McCullough
116: Dating Your Spouse

It's Valentine's week, but this conversation is good anytime. Do you date your spouse? In this episode we talk about: - WHY it's important to make regular date night a priority. - WHO should make the plan, you or your spouse? - WHAT you should do when money is tight and ideas for when there's a little extra to spend. This episode is hosted by Michelle until Paige hijacks the conversation to talk about intimacy and makes Michelle blush.

112: Happiness In Motherhood

Sometimes being a mom is tough, even with your favorite drink and sweat pants. But it can also be the best. In this episode we share how we find joy and happiness in motherhood, even with the challenges of babies and barf, toddlers and tantrums, teenagers and talking back and even spouses. And wile it may be fleeting at times, moments of happiness are possible!