Posts in Podcast
116: Dating Your Spouse

It's Valentine's week, but this conversation is good anytime. Do you date your spouse? In this episode we talk about: - WHY it's important to make regular date night a priority. - WHO should make the plan, you or your spouse? - WHAT you should do when money is tight and ideas for when there's a little extra to spend. This episode is hosted by Michelle until Paige hijacks the conversation to talk about intimacy and makes Michelle blush.

112: Happiness In Motherhood

Sometimes being a mom is tough, even with your favorite drink and sweat pants. But it can also be the best. In this episode we share how we find joy and happiness in motherhood, even with the challenges of babies and barf, toddlers and tantrums, teenagers and talking back and even spouses. And wile it may be fleeting at times, moments of happiness are possible!

101: Travel Memories & Travel Dreams

Where do you like to go? How do you like to get there? Do you love road trips or hate them? In this episode we dish on some of our favorite travels and some of the travel dreams of our heart. Some of our favorite memories have happened when we are out seeing the world. We'd love to have you share your favorite travel memories, too!

99: Traditions Make Me Tired

We love our family and we probably would tell others we love our family traditions, too. But, if you're being honest, do your family traditions make you tired!? I'm exhausted. So let's talk candidly about family traditions, how they start, what we'd change, and why sticking with them is worth it.

98: Anxiety: Survival Tactics and Supportive Tips

Anxiety effects over 40 million Americans personally and studies show that 1 in 4 children are effected by anxiety. In this show, Heather Johnson shares tips for women who struggle with anxiety, thoughts on how to support friends or spouses that may struggle with anxiety AND you'll also learn practical tips for helping our children who struggle with anxiety.